Saturday, October 19, 2013

Giveaway: Solving for Why Book!

We have reached 100 followers on our blog! In fact, we currently have 103  116 members! Thank you all for supporting Leander ISD Math Instruction.

In honor of this celebration, we would like to giveaway one copy of this book to a Leander ISD educator who teaches math (teachers, special educators, math leaders and principals):

Solving for Why: Understanding, Assessing and Teaching Students Who Struggle with Math 
by John Tapper

To be entered in the giveaway you must:
1. Follow our blog.
2. Comment below why you would like a copy of this book.

The drawing will be next Friday, October 25th at 3:00pm!

Drawing is closed! Congrats to Lela W. at DCE! Thank you to all for participating. We enjoyed your comments.

If you are already reading this book, join us on Twitter with your learning! #LISDSolvingforwhy


  1. I would enjoy learning about different strategies to help my struggling students.

  2. My district is in the first year of implementing RtI math. I think this book would give more insight to our struggling students and be a great resource to me and my peers.

  3. I would love to use this book with teachers in supporting our struggling learners.

    1. (It wouldn't Let me leave my own comment)
      I would love the opportunity to broaden my expertise in working with struggling students in the resource and inclusion setting. I am always interested in challenging myself as a professional and continuing to build my knowledge to better serve the needs of my students. This book would allow me to do this and to broaden my tool box working with K-5!

  4. This will be the 6th time I have tried to leave a comment! Let me see if it works this time!

  5. Ok!! Students need to know why they are learning a particular skill. They need to know why it is relevant. It connects back to SLB 1 and Learning Targets. Like Simon says, "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it".

  6. I have heard wonderful things about this book! I would like to help my struggling math students. I know some of our investigation format came from this book. I would like to investigate more!

  7. I would use this book to continue my learning with teachers on how to get students to understand why they are doing what they are doing in math, why do strategies work, or not work, in certain situations, and why they were able to solve a problem differently than someone else, and still get the right answer.

  8. I would LOVE TO WIN this book! This book would help me when working with teachers (both new to teaching, or new to teaching math) on how to approach our struggling learners. A book that really breaks down complicated math and make it easy for anyone (not just "math" people) to understand would be such an asset to our growing campus!

  9. We have been working really hard to teach through concepts, not procedures as our students are solving Math problems. I love to help my teachers get better at teaching Math, but I need tools to share with them! I think this is a great next step for our campus' learning in Mathematics.

  10. Solving for why I should receive "Solving For Why".....
    Those who have already read it are making those paradigm shifts. Their students are spending many more of their educational minutes talking about their approaches to a problem rather than "the" approach to a problem. Math has never been solely about the answer, but always about the puzzle...the game! Can't wait to be encouraged to think of new ways to Solve For Why!!!!!! Kathryn Cox Westside

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "Solving for Why". This book would be a pivotal point in helping students in need of math development. These learners would benefit from the teachers having this resource so that they have strategies that would help these learners understand the solving process in mathematical concepts. I am the Assistant Principal and I could put it in our teachers' resource library so that all the teachers on the campus could utilize this material. Our teachers do interventions and this would be a resource for students who are in need of RtI for math. Also, I am the RtI coordinator and our teachers are interested in learning how to help struggling students with their math processes in order for them to have the foundation they need to be a lifelong mathematician. Jill Kaufman Westside

  13. I would love to win this book! So many of my conversations with teachers center on, "I just don't know what to do to help this student with his struggles in math." I would love to have this book as a resource to help teachers help students.

  14. I would love this book to help me differentiate my pace and non pace students.

  15. one of my favorite discussion activities (for AFL, feedback, etc.) is asking the "5 Why's". From PACE students to those who struggle this is very insightful to see what connections students make (or not). I'd love to read about ways to help my struggling students beyond memorizing and help them find more meaning in math!
