
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Partnering with Parents - How to Support Math at Home?

Tis' the season for Back to School Nights and Parent Orientations.
It is critical for educators to communicate with parents their role in the partnering with the teacher, classroom and school in their child's mathematical journey.  

It's easy for parents to forget that math is more than just addition and subtraction worksheets and memorized facts. It is our responsibility to look for ways to show children how math is such an important part of our everyday lives: cooking and shopping, art and music and computers – it is all math.

Here are some ways parents can help their child connect and practice math in “real life.”
  1. Have your child count down the time (weeks, days and/or hours) to a special day or holiday.
  2. Have your child measure ingredients for a recipe you are making.
  3. Encourage your child to track or graph scores or stats for a favorite sports team.
  4. Ask your child to count the change at the grocery store, or to estimate the total cost while you are shopping. Or, with older kids, to help track the family budget.
  5. Explain what you’re doing whenever you use a measuring tape, a scale, or a ruler. Ask for your child’s help.

Additionally, Cathy Seeley also has a GREAT message to share with parents from her book Faster Isn't SmarterA Math Message to Families

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics also shares resources that might be helpful to share with parents.   NCTM Family Brochure
Whatever you decide is important to share, please make it a point to let families know how important it is for you to Partner with Parents


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